We provide many services to both the Architect and the Client including:
- Conceptual Design
- Working Drawings and Specifications
- Contract Administration
- Field Survey of Existing Facilities/Utilities
- Feasibility Studies
- Life Cycle Analysis
- Code Compliance Studies
- Building Technology
- Project Budget Estimates
- Energy and Building Performance
- Building Modeling
Computer Technology
We are committed to keeping up with the latest developments in computer technology for our design procedures. Our design staff is fully trained and experienced in the use of Autocad 2014 and Revit. We can create customized prototype drawings using symbols, layering schemes, text styles, etc. to precisely match client’s drawing standards. Our firm uses the Trane “Trace Ultra”program to perform heating and cooling load analysis. The program is also capable of performing economic and life cycle studies. We use other computer software to analyze lighting system performance and to assist in equipment selection.
Our Services
- Master planning
- Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
- Steam and Hot water Boiler Plants
- Chilled water plants
- Heating and Humidification systems
- Thermal storage systems
- Advanced Technologies
- Lighting design and controls
- Medium and low voltage distribution
- Emergency, Standby power and Generating Systems
- Fire Alarm Systems
- Utility Rate analysis
- UPS (uninterrupted power systems)
- Master planning
- Building plumbing, drain, waste and vent systems
- Medical and waste anesthetic gas and vacuum systems
- Domestic and process water, gas and vacuum systems
- Plumbing Code Studies
Fire Protection
- Clean agent suppression
- Site distribution systems
- Pre-action systems
- Early detection and suppression systems
- Auto and Manual standpipe systems
- Diesel and Electrical fire pumps systems
- Smoke evacuation and exhaust
- Code compliance studies

Energy & Building Performance Modeling
- Facade Analysis
- Daylighting Analysis
- Natural Ventilation
- Thermal Comfort
- Envelope optimization
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis
- Utility Incentives

- Integrated communications
- Voice
- Data
- Video
- Networking
- Telecommunications
- Security Systems
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